Title: Application of vanadium and tantalum single-site zeolite catalysts in catalysis
Title: 30,000 nano implants in humans with no infections, no loosening, and no failures
Title: Human impact on natural environment and its implications
Title: Solar heterogeneous photocatalysis and photochemistry for urban wastewater regeneration and reuse
Title: Role of alkali earth metals in tailoring Ni/CeO2 system for efficient ammonia decomposition
Title: Selective catalytic reduction of NO by C3H6 over Cu(x)Co(y)Ce(z)O oxides derived from LDHs
Title: Heterogeneous catalysis: Reaction mechanism and kinetic models
Title: Biosorption: A sustainable and practical effective technique for heavy metal reduction
Title: Morphology, composition and electronic structure of the CdS thin films surface
Title: Computational prediction of an important protein’s structure