Homogeneous Catalysis:
In chemistry, homogeneous catalysis is catalysis in a resolution by a soluble catalyst. Homogeneous catalysis leads to reactions where the catalyst is in the identical phase as the reactants, mostly in solution. In contrast, heterogeneous catalysis defines processes where the catalysts and substrate are in different phases, typically solid-gas, approximately. The term is used exclusively to define solutions and implies catalysis by organometallic compounds. Homogeneous catalysis is an established technology that remains to result. An explanatory major application is the production of acetic acid. Enzymes are examples of homogeneous catalysts.
Examples of Homogeneous Catalysts:
Acid catalysis, organometallic catalysis, and enzymatic catalysis are specimens of homogeneous catalysis. Most often, homogeneous catalysis involves the introduction of an aqueous phase catalyst into an aqueous solution of reactants.
Molecular Catalysis:
Molecular catalysis is not a well-distinct field but it always leads to the associate application of molecular chemistry, Mainly molecular recognition, and guest binding, approaching chemical action.The Division of Molecular Catalysis addresses scientific challenges in the area of organometallic chemistry varying from the molecular fundamentals to the development of novel reaction-engineering theories. The research topics are arranged with the principles of Green Chemistry and include in particular the use of CO2 as a chemical building block and the selective transformation of bio-based feedstocks, as well as the utilization of advanced reaction media such as ionic liquids or supercritical fluids. The original project plans are based on a rational mechanical understanding, whereby computational chemistry plays a major role in the analysis and for imminent catalyst design.
Title : Application of vanadium and tantalum single-site zeolite catalysts in catalysis
Stanislaw Dzwigaj, Sorbonne University, France