Title : Using polyisobutylene supported sulfur ligands for metal sequestering
Whether it is industry, agriculture, research experiments, or just ordinary activities, modern societies in the 21st century produce unwanted waste. In some cases, this waste is concentrated and can be easily dealt with. In other cases, such waste can be minimized; this has been demonstrated in the development of environmentally benign syntheses that have used polymer-bound metal catalysts to minimize chemical waste in homogeneous catalysis. However, waste most often cannot be completely eliminated. Even if it is minimized, unwanted by-products from industrial or agricultural endeavor or from a modern city often end up in organic or aqueous waste streams in a highly diluted form. Herein, we report the use of Polyisobutylene (PIB) as a polymeric support for metal sequestration in organic solutions. PIB is functionalized to convert its terminal C=C into metal sequestering groups (carboxylic acid, thiol or amine group). The use of a cleavable linker to regenerate the PIB-sequestrant is also studied.