Title : Enhancing syngas quality from biomass gasification using an iron-based splitting reactor
The proposed work is the result of several studies in which the phenomenon of gasification of biomass from Plant Assisted BioRemediation (PABR). In the proposed study, the process of splitting H2Ov and CO2 through oxidation of metal catalyst was studied and the aim was to optimize the operating parameters to obtain the ideal conditions for the entrance into the oxidizing reactor of the syngas produced by gasification of biomass PABR. For the tests conducted it was chosen to use Fe because it adequately meets all the criteria of an appropriate catalyst for splitting CO2 and H2Ov, such as: high capacity of oxygen transport; a great thermodynamic and kinetic affinity with CO2 and H2Ov; high melting temperature; excellent fluidization characteristics; high mechanical resistance to wear and tear; low cost; safe and low environmental impact. The following are the overall oxidation reactions of Fe to Fe2O3with steam and CO2:
The work was carried out in two phases: the first was to optimize the process and conditions by using a mixture of technical gases entering the reactor (modifying parameters such as temperature, mixture composition in input, amount of reducing catalyst material). The second phase was a numerical simulation of the yields obtained by using as input the syngas data obtained by prototypical scale gasification of biomass PABR in the process of splitting and oxidation of the catalyst Fe, according to optimized parameters.
Audience Take Away
The proposed work shows the efficiency of a decarbonisation system based on the use of a catalyst (recoverable from waste materials) in order to obtain a syngas produced from higher quality biomass. It is then shown how a biomass gasifier can be interfaced with syngas upgrading system in order to obtain a biofuel rich in hydrogen. The proposed H2 optimization and production work is particularly useful for those involved in:
- Disposal of biomass
- Altrenative energy
- Circular Economy
- Biohydrogen