Samia Mahouche-Chergui obtained her Master degree in Inorganic Chemistry at Paris Sud University in 2006, and then her PhD in Surface-Interface Chemistry at Paris Diderot-P7 University in 2009. She worked then as a Lecturer/Researcher (ATER) in the same research Group developing a combination of diazonium compounds and click chemistry for the preparation of carbon hybrid materials. After postdoctoral research with Pr. Y. Grohens at the Bretagne Sud University from 2010 to 2012, she joined the East Paris Institute of Chemistry and Materials Science at the University Paris-Est Créteil as an assistant professor. Her research is currently focused on the development of sp2 carbon and clay based-functional hybrid nanostructures for applications including nanofillers, electrochemical sensors, and heterogeneous nanocatalysts.
Title : Highly efficient and stable catalysts based on bimetallic Au(at)Ag nanoparticles decorated clay poly (glycidylmethacrylate)