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Maria Louloudi, Speaker at Catalysis Conference
Maria Louloudi
University of Ioannina, Greece


Maria Louloudi is a Professor at the Chemistry Department of University of Ioannina, Greece, head of the Laboratory of Βiomimetic Catalysis and Hybrid Materials (http://catalysis.chem.uoi.gr). She has worked as research fellow at University Rene Descartes/CNRS, Paris, France. Her research focuses on the development of hybrid catalysts based on molecular complexes associates with nanosurfaces, functional materials, antioxidants and biomimetics. H2 production form C1 substrates is among the key-research topics in her lab aiming to establish connection of laboratory technologies with industrial production of H2. In addition, her research includes understanding of the physicochemical basis catalytic mechanisms in connection with redox, plasmonic photoexcitations, and thermodynamic aspects.  She has published >110 research articles and holds 18 Patents in functional materials.
